In recent weeks, the West Islip Board of Education has held several public hearings focused on the 2010-11 spending plan that will go before local residents for a vote in May. These meetings attract the usual suspects from the school community: PTA members, administrators, teachers, and some parents interested in staying informed about the budget issues that face the school district.
But as with any public meeting, one can usually find one or two gadflies. Gadfly is word journalists use because calling someone a kook in print (or on-line in our case) would likely lead to a complaint or two. In the three years since launching, West Islip has been well short on gadflies when compared to other communities I have covered. That's right Long Beach, I'm talking about you.
Lately, however, there have been one or two gadflies that have surfaced. While the name of one particular individual has been omitted here to protect the guilty, the public comments made by this person at recent board meetings has at times led me to look around the room to see if Jay Leno or Jon Stewart have had hidden cameras rolling.
While the comments of this person have contained little in the way of substance and have also shown little understanding of the current financial climate, they have undoubtedly thought outside-the-box when offering budget cutting suggestions to the board of education. It's hard to pick a favorite, but one that jumps to mind was the suggestion to construct new school buildings because they would be more energy efficient and save money long term through energy cost savings. Well, it's a thought.
I'm not sure of the motivation of this person. My first instinct was that this was a individual who was attempting to become informed about the financial workings of the school district. An effort that is admirable. But lately I have felt that the effort bordered on being a demagogue. But I quickly talked myself out of that theory. Too many syllables.